Monday, August 9, 2021

Well, today, I had a follow-up with my oncologist for test results. Unfortunately, the genetic mutation of my cancer is best treated by a round of chemotherapy.  So here is my plan at this time.

Option Course of Treatment
Test results indicate no Chemo.
  • Heal from surgery for a couple of weeks
  • Do radiation which will be 5-8 weeks
  • Additional surgeries as needed
Test results indicate Chemo 
  • Heal from my surgery on 7/8/21 for 6-8 weeks
  • See Dr. McCray again to have a port put in my chest.  Likely this will be done in a surgical suite under twilight sedation.
  • If the port is done on time, the first chemo treatment will be on August 30th via the port. After that, I will receive chemo every 3 weeks for 4 treatments.
  • The last Chemo treatment would be on November 1st
  • THen radiation will be 5-8 weeks - First radiation treatment can start as soon as 3 weeks after the last chemo treatment.
  • Hormonal therapy - I'm not sure where this starts, but it'll be 5-10 years
  • Have breast reconstruction surgery
  • Additional surgeries if needed
  • Routine screenings for cancer 

I'm a bit overwhelmed today.  I have a lot of research to do with all the new information I've received today, a lot of questions to answer.  It's a busy time of year with school starting for the girls, the start of term at UCF, and Shawn has an extra load at work now.  We're working together to try to identify our needs.  I'll be reaching out to my amazing support network as soon as I find my feet again.  In the meantime, I continue to be grateful to those keeping me in their thoughts and supporting me, Shawn, and the girls.  Thank you

I thought I should post a picture, so here is Shawn and I drowning our sorrows on a different day.

Saturday, July 31, 2021

 Happy Saturday!

I put in a few hours at work this week!  It's great to get back to work.  I did take it easy and listen to my body.  Also, I was able to get the last drain removed on Friday!  I'm very happy about that!  While they are not terrible, they are quite an inconvenience.   I have really sensitive skin. All the bandages and adhesives are ITCHY.  The surgeon also started filling the expanders with saline this week to get my skin to grow and make room for future surgery.  That process is a bit uncomfortable for a couple of days, but it's a bit hard to tell what aches and pains are healing from surgery versus the saline fills.  

Overall, pain and discomfort are alleviated with meds.  I don't always choose to take them, but I'm not suffering.  I try to go without meds as much as possible because I can't tell what's going on with my body when I take them.  A small amount of discomfort is good as it's a constant reminder to stay within my limits.  This is what I need to do to not over-exert myself.

I'm still waiting on test results to see what is next.  I expect to know no later than August 9th at my next appointment with the oncologist who will manage the next expected treatments. The next treatment(s) will be chemo (if necessary) and radiation, in that order. After that, I will continue to have appts with both surgeons to check on healing and prepare for the next surgery.  My next surgery will be some time after the other treatments. 

I want to thank everyone for their support!  So many have been taking care of Sophie and Sadie while I heal.  It means so much to me that they have a fun summer before school starts.  UCF has been incredibly gracious, allowing me full flexibility to work as I can, whenever I can, fully remote.  I'm fortunate to have such an understanding boss!

I wishing you all well!  


Saturday, July 24, 2021

Down to one drain

I had a very quick appt with the surgeon today. They removed another drain.  I'm down to one, which they plan to remove on Tues.  I'm looking forward to removing all drains as I believe I'll get clearance and have fewer physical restrictions.  Like no lifting more than 5-10 lbs and sleeping only on my back.  So, making progress!


Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Post Surgical Update


In order to give a cancer update, we need to look at where things were prior to surgery versus after surgery:


Before surgery

After surgery

Spread of cancer past the tumor

PET Scan- no indications of cancer past the tumor

Breast tissue removed during surgery was sent to a lab for further testing.  They found several (>7) microscopic cancer pockets outside of the tumor.  In addition, 2 lymph nodes were removed and tested.  Once lymph node had microscopic cancer cells.  The other did not.  The lymph node system is the highway for cancer to spread to other areas of the body.

Cancer Stage - Caught in early stages

0 - 1a

1a - Stayed in early stages.  Sometimes people go from 01- to a 3 or 4.  This was pretty good.

Cancer Grade - Generally, a lower grade indicates a better prognosis. A higher-grade cancer may grow and spread more quickly and may require immediate or more aggressive treatment.

1 - very low grade

3 - still a low grade

So, now what?

Well, it wasn't exactly the news I was hoping for, but I'm grateful that the cancer is still confirmed to be in early stages because my overall prognosis is very, very good and hasn't changed.  However, the treatment plan to keep that very good prognosis has changed. 

Due to the microscopic cancer in the lymph node, I will have to go through a course of radiation treatment.  In addition further genetic testing will be done on the cancer in the lymph node.  Depending on the proteins make up they find, I may have to do a course of chemotherapy as well.  It will take a couple of weeks to get the results to determine if chemotherapy is necessary.  The 2 paths look like:


Course of Treatment

Test results indicate no Chemo

·         Heal from surgery for a couple of week

·         Do radiation which will be 5-8 weeks

·         Additional surgeries as needed

Test results indicate Chemo 

·         Heal from surgery for a couple of week

·         Do the chemo treatment which will be several months

·         Do radiation which will be 5-8 weeks

·         Additional surgeries as needed

So, in either case, the current focus for the next couple of weeks is to heal from surgery and that's what I'll be doing!

Friday, July 16, 2021

 Good afternoon!

I had a surgery follow-up with one surgeon today.  The appointment went well.  Incisions look good, with no signs of any infection.  Two of the 4 drains were removed.  That is a good sign as typically they expect drain removal to begin at the two-week mark.  I have several Dr. appointments coming up.  I expect at one of them I will get the pathology from my surgery which will indicate what if any further treatments are needed.  I am tired from the visit and plan to take it easy for the rest of the day.  I thank everyone for their continued support.  Special thanks to folks who have been keeping the girls busy and entertained while I heal.  And to the many who have brought us meals.  It has helped so much!

With love,


Thursday, July 15, 2021

 Good Afternoon:

I'm doing well after surgery. I have had incredible support, and I just can't express my gratitude enough for those who have supported my family and me.  I feel so honored and loved.  I apologize that I'm unable to express my gratitude individually.  I'm still tired and need naps.  In the latter part of the day, I definitely run out of energy.  

Folks who have seen me generally remark they can't believe how mobile I am or how well I look.  While I appreciate it, it sounds weird to me since I feel like I've been hit by a truck.  I struggled a bit with pain management, but thanks to Dr. Kent, I believe I'm over that hump.  Today is the first day that I felt kinda functional.  I think it's a turning point.  I have appointments with surgeons this week and next to get my results from surgery. So that is the next big thing.  

Positive thoughts and prayers are welcomed, and I thank you for being with me on this journey.


Sunday, July 11, 2021

Recovering Well

Felicia is recovering well at home. She is post-op day 2. Her pain is under control, she is taking the pain medication along with nerve medication and antibiotics. She is feeling some nerve pain and tingling. Her drains are in and Shawn is helping manage them. She was able to do a quick shower today and semi wash her hair and body. She is looking forward to taking a better shower tomorrow. She is walking and moving but trying to take it easy as any extra exertion wears her out.  Her next goal is to keep her range of motion in her arms. The muscle tissue that was partly cut away need strengthening and healing. She is going back on her normal diet tomorrow to help keep her body strong. This is a photo of her sorting her meals today. The girls are back home with her and Shawn. Felicia is still in the after math of the surgery. She is napping and resting a lot. She is slowly gaining her strength. Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and send her all that great energy for a quick and speedy recovery. She looks so great in this photo and even though she has small bouts of energy she is not close to fully recovered and is still needing lots of rest and time for a peaceful recovery with her girls and Shawn by her side. She want to express her sincere gratitude to everyone who has reached out and offered to help. She is so grateful to everyone. To the amazing friends who are bringing food everyday she is very thankful! 

Friday, July 9, 2021


 Felicia made it home. She is resting in bed.


 After dinner, Felicia was released to go home!!

They are leaving the hospital now

Gaining strength


Felicia will be discharged home this afternoon! 

She is coming home!

 Felicia is still on a liquid diet but they cleared her to come home, however, it will not be until later this afternoon. Nothing but blue skies for our girl!

Recovery Day 1

 Felicia is recovering in her hospital room with Shawn and her dad by her side. She is in great spirits. She is eating and somewhat sitting up in bed. Getting up is very difficult and drains her energy. She does feel like she is improving as the hours tick by. They are working on keeping her post surgical pain under control. There is not a status yet if she will stay another night or come home today. Sophie and Sadie sent over some candy for her and she is itching to get into it! 

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Sleeping Beauty

 Felicia is asleep in her room with her rock star hubby watching over her. 

Post-surgical update

Felicia has now arrived in her room where was she will stay the night. The surgeon informed Shawn that the surgery went without complications and was "by the book".

Thank you all for all your thoughts and good wishes for her safe and successful surgery. Continue to keep her in your thoughts for a speedy recovery.

She is in recovery!!

 Hello All!

The surgery is over and Felicia is in recovery. Shawn is waiting to be called back to see her!

Woohoo! The worst is behind us!

Going back

 Felicia just headed back for surgery. 6+ hours from here. Keep sending those good thoughts to her for a safe and successful surgery!! 

Almost Ready

 Felicia is currently being marked by her physician. They will likely take her back to surgery soon.

More updates to follow

She's ready!


Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Surgery 7/8/21

 Woohooo! We are just about over the hump...or should I say humps?! haha 

Tomorow is the anticipated day of surgery.

Felicia is super grateful to everyone for their support and love. Continue to send her your good energy and wishes and keep her in your thoughts!

She will go to the hospital at 6 am. They are going to do a contrast CT at 8am. Her surgery will be in the afternoon. The surgery should take about 6 hours. 

My goal is to keep you updated as we know things but it may be late in the day into evening before we hear anything from Shawn.

Thank you for your support and love for Felicia. You all are very important to her and I know she is to you!

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Schedule of Events


Felicia has decided to move forward with surgical treatment. She has a few pre-surgical appointments with her surgeons. Her surgery is scheduled for 7/8 at Altamonte Hospital. Shawn and her father will likely be with her during her surgery and recovery at the hospital. She is expected to be home 1 day after her surgery. The recovery is about 6 weeks. Please send her your good thoughts and well wishes!

Unfortunate News

Felicia was diagnosed with breast cancer in May.  It was caught very early and her prognosis is excellent! She is deciding with her doctors and family on the best course of treatment.

Friday, June 4, 2021


 A very quick update.

Her2 negative - this is great news.  That means not aggressive and easier to treat.
No genetic markers - fantastic news for Sophie and Sadie
Progesterone and estrogen positive- responds well to treatments.
Pet scan clear - cancer hasn't spread
I see plastic surgeon tomorrow
Surgery recommended soon, in 2-3 weeks 
Assuming surgery results go as expected, no chemotherapy, no radiation.  I may or may not need hormone therapy.

Thank you all for love and support!
