Sunday, July 11, 2021

Recovering Well

Felicia is recovering well at home. She is post-op day 2. Her pain is under control, she is taking the pain medication along with nerve medication and antibiotics. She is feeling some nerve pain and tingling. Her drains are in and Shawn is helping manage them. She was able to do a quick shower today and semi wash her hair and body. She is looking forward to taking a better shower tomorrow. She is walking and moving but trying to take it easy as any extra exertion wears her out.  Her next goal is to keep her range of motion in her arms. The muscle tissue that was partly cut away need strengthening and healing. She is going back on her normal diet tomorrow to help keep her body strong. This is a photo of her sorting her meals today. The girls are back home with her and Shawn. Felicia is still in the after math of the surgery. She is napping and resting a lot. She is slowly gaining her strength. Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and send her all that great energy for a quick and speedy recovery. She looks so great in this photo and even though she has small bouts of energy she is not close to fully recovered and is still needing lots of rest and time for a peaceful recovery with her girls and Shawn by her side. She want to express her sincere gratitude to everyone who has reached out and offered to help. She is so grateful to everyone. To the amazing friends who are bringing food everyday she is very thankful! 

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